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It is a brilliant insight into what ails Europe and, more broadly, our globalized world.' -STROBE TALBOTT, president, Brookings Institution 'I heartily recommend Buruma's book. This is a book about much more than a single crime in a single city. With the eye of a novelist and the erudition of scholar, he finds in the frenzy of soccer fans no less than in the history of the last several centuries an explanation for the violence that has erupted in the land of Rembrandt and tulips.

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AMSTERDAM The Death of Theo van Gogh and the Limits of ToleranceĪ D V A N C E P R A I S E F O R M U R D E R IN A M S T E R D A M 'Buruma is one of the planet's wisest heads and best writers about the politics of national identity, civilization, and culture.

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